Håkan Lidbo: Meet the Swedish innovator who created technology for Kenyans to enjoy traditional music!
Kenyans no longer have to wait for the next state event or national holiday to listen to their favorite traditional instruments! All thanks to Håkan Libdo, a Swedish music producer and innovator, who explores the intersection between art, music, science, games, technology, and society.

Kenyan Entrepreneur Jessica Colaço Defies “Luck” By Networking with Intention
Kenyan entrepreneur Jessica Colaço, 37, believes in shaping one’s own career through intentional serendipity. Make your own luck. She co-founded Brave Venture Labs, a data-driven company helping African companies find the right talent. She also co-founded iHub, the first tech-hub in East Africa. Colaço is a computer scientist, speaker, TED Fellow and bass player.